Quick heads up: I actually had some pictures taken, but I had over exposed them and rather than not wait an extra day to post this I thought I would post without.
Blood Rose Rebellion
Rosalyn Eves
This book was full of surprises. Honestly, I went into it with a set of expectations based on other books that this sounded like and I had read in the past, which really isn’t the best way to go into a book because it’s pretty unfair to both the current read and past ones. But as I read it—and let me clear this up, I actually listened to it on audible (and the narrator is absolutely stellar)—I would make guesses about where it was going and the ilk, only to find myself pretty much completely wrong the entire time. And not because the book is trying to surprise the reader in the same way something like Game of Thrones is, but because the story was just that original. I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about this one because it definitely deserves a lot more hype.