Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Can't Wait Wednesday: Tempests and Slaughter

I'm switching over from Waiting on Wednesday's to Can't Wait Wednesday, a meme hosted by Wishful Endings. The idea is basically the same, but it looks like the official hosts of Breaking the Spine have shut down the meme so it's time to move on. Description and cover image taken from Goodreads.
Arram. Varice. Ozorne. In the first book in the Numair Chronicles, three student mages are bound by fate . . . fated for trouble.
Arram Draper is a boy on the path to becoming one of the realm’s most powerful mages. The youngest student in his class at the Imperial University of Carthak, he has a Gift with unlimited potential for greatness–and for attracting danger. At his side are his two best friends: Varice, a clever girl with an often-overlooked talent, and Ozorne, the “leftover prince” with secret ambitions. Together, these three friends forge a bond that will one day shape kingdoms. And as Ozorne gets closer to the throne and Varice gets closer to Arram’s heart, Arram begins to realize that one day soon he will have to decide where his loyalties truly lie.

In the Numair Chronicles, readers will be rewarded with the never-before-told story of how Numair Salmalín came to Tortall. Newcomers will discover an unforgettable fantasy adventure where a kingdom’s future rests on the shoulders of a talented young man with a knack for making vicious enemies.
Why I'm Waiting
I've begun reading Tamora Pierce's tortilla books and now that she's publishing another book in this world I'm even more excited to continue. Also, this cover is gorgeous and the description low-key sounds like a middle grade version of The Name of the Wind (or at least part of it) and since I love that book I can't resist this one.

Tempests and Slaughter is released February 6th, 2017 


  1. It is certainly an interesting cover. Fantasy does seem to generate great covers. I hope you'll enjoy it!

  2. I will read this author one of these days!

    1. I've only read one of her books so far but I can already highly recommend her!


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