Sunday, May 15, 2016

Wrap Up (The One Where I Went to a Sarah J Maas Book Signing)

I spent so many hours traveling this weekend!  I took a three hour train ride (that was delayed by two and a half hours so it ended up being somewhere near six hours of being in a train station or on a train) where I met up with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday.  I also managed to sneak in a Sarah J Maas signing.... Which was awesome!  I didn't take pictures, I'm sorry, but I was exhausted by the time I got home (which is an hour away from where the train took me).  I did get an page from the Throne of Glass coloring book and I cannot wait to color it!  Then, today, my dad drove me back to school (which is a three and a half hour ride but we ended up going out of our way an hour to visit a really nice city in the area and it was nice to spend more time with him) and now I'm trying to catch up on both homework and blogging.

Finished this Week
A Court of Mist and Fury -- This is one of the best books I have EVER read!

Currently Reading
Are you ready for another list?  Because it's a lot:
The Raven Boys (it's technically a reread but I kept meaning to get to it and someone spoiled the ending of the Raven King to me so now I feel I need to marathon the series)
Game of Thrones (another reread and one I'm taking slow on purpose because I want to savor it)
Even If The Sky Falls (I'm a few chapters in and not sure how I feel about it yet)
Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge (same; not sure how I feel about it yet)

Last Week

This Week
Monday-- Siege and Storm Review
Wednesday-- Waiting on Wednesday
Friday-- Writing Corner
Saturday-- Wrap Up

What did you guys get up to this weekend?


  1. What? Someone spoiled the end of TRK for you? That's terrible! I'm fairly certain it wasn't me since I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned once what the end was.

    Hope you had a great time at the SJM signing. I'm only kind of (a lot) jealous.

    1. It wasn't you, don't worry! It was someone on Tumblr. I'm not too mad because I like the ending (or at least what was spoiled for me) and it's given me a reason to finally finish the series.

      It was a great signing! But it was also a long day of travel. Ah well, I'm glad I went.

  2. Sounds like you had a good time regardless of the time spent traveling! :)

    1. It was a lot of fun! I won't get the chance to really leave town until I move out in two and half weeks when classes end (and I am definitely counting down the days!)


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