Monday, October 26, 2015

College Journey #5: The Challenge

This is part of a series of blog posts that I write about my college experience.  It's in part a way for me to talk about my own life, and in another part a way for me to give advice to incoming freshman.  While many of these posts will be tailored and full of details about the school I attend (Knox College, a small liberal arts college) some will also have general lessons about college.  Here are the previous posts in the series:

If you ever have a topic you want me to cover, please let me know!

This week is more of a personal challenge than any information or advice.  My roommate and I have both been feeling down in the dumps, so we've made a challenge- do something new and different every day just to get out.  Even if it's just walking somewhere new, or taking the time to chat up a stranger, we have to do something every day.  It hasn't officially started for me yet (I was busy with classes all day) but my roommate did get to stretch her wings and try fencing (yay!).  And she was in such a good mood afterwards!  It was a nice change to see, and I'm glad we made this challenge for ourselves.

Here's why I thought it was important:

The other night, whilst (I know that's a pretentious word but I like it) pursuing through Tumblr, I saw something that said a major factor in depression and depressed feelings is never doing anything new.  Getting out can do a lot for mental health.

So I got to thinking, "Hey, maybe they're right."  And I'm pretty sure they were.

Every once in a while I touch back on this challenge (maybe every ten weeks or so) just to let you guys know how it's going and whether it's working.  And if there's anything we do that's worth doing yourself.

As much as I love to snuggle with my blankets and read, getting out is going to drastically improve my time here, I believe.  Cheers!


  1. Challenging yourself to try something new is always a good idea. If you haven't already get to know the town your school is in. I went to a small liberal arts school too (I lived close by so I already knew the town and local area pretty well), but it always surprised me when I'd be talking to a friend and learned they knew next to nothing the town the school was in let alone rarely left campus unless it was to go on a trip to the nearest big city about 45 minutes away for shopping or movies when there was so much to see and do off-campus in the local area.

    1. I hope to get to know the town! There are a few areas that are rather sketchy unfortunately, but I'm looking forward to getting comfortable with the area.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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